Chichester Harbour Federation - Environmental Forum

Chichester Harbour Federation
Environment Forum

Terms of Reference (Click Here

to Download)


The aim of the CHF Environment Forum is to support our members to become more sustainable, protecting our Harbour’s waters, wildlife and habitats, upon which we all rely on for our enjoyment, wellbeing and livelihood.

Following the lead of the Green Blue Programme (a joint RYA and British Marine environmental programme) we will:

  • raise awareness on key environmental issues impacting the harbour
  • provide information and share best practise between organisations
  • promote sustainable choices and decision making within organisations
  • working together, reduce our impact on our environment

The CHF is uniquely placed to bring organisations around the harbour together to create a more sustainable harbour. With collaboration, our organisations can achieve greater impact, sharing expertise, knowledge and supporting each other.

With a proud heritage of approaching 50 years, CHF can ensure that our harbour continues to be a place for inspiration, enjoyment and wellbeing for the next generation.


Chichester Harbour is a Ramsar site an international designation for globally important wetlands. It has Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserves and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is home to,many different species of wildlife and is a source of enjoyment, and income, for communities around its shores. CHF organisations, as principal partners, have a vital role supporting the sustainable management of the harbour – through the Chichester Harbour Management Plan 2019 – 2024.

By including environmental management within their operations, forum organisations can achieve financial benefits, reducing unnecessary waste of resources such as energy or water. It manages the risk from being non- compliant on environmental legislation and damage to reputation.

The environment is increasingly important to CHF stakeholders, the members, customers and local communities who value the harbour and want to see actions taken to ensure a healthy harbour

The Climate crisis is a global challenge that will impact communities everywhere –
the places where we live and work. It threatens the future of marine environments, including Chichester harbour. The UK government has committed to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and in 2021 hosts the UN’s Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP 26). Achieving this ambitious goal requires cooperation and engagement from all areas of society including individuals and, communities, sailing clubs and businesses.
The Chichester Harbour Master has asked CHF organisations to work with the Conservancy to meet the UK Government 2050 net zero target.


To facilitate and implement environmental best practise within the CHF. The EF will develop an action plan which will be reviewed annually.

See deliverables.


Environmental representatives from CHF member organisations nominated by their commodores/chief executives and managers and the CHF Environmental Lead.

Meeting arrangements.

The Forum will meet a minimum of four times per annum prior to the CHF Chairman’s Committee. This is likely to be 8 times a year in the startup phase or the exact number of meetings may change subject to need. Meetings will be a mix of face to face and virtual, reducing the need to travel and keep EF carbon foot print to
a minimum.


The Forum will report to the CHF Chairman’s Committee by the CHF environmental lead and to CHF membership organisations through their own representatives.


Initial Baseline Review – monitored annually to track progress
Environmental Forum Action plan The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually in April.