Member Organisations in and around Chichester Harbour
Member Organisations in and around Chichester Harbour
Boating & Racing in and beyond our Harbour
The racing of dinghies and keelboats within our Harbour and organise the largest UK dinghy race week
ChiFed’s stewardship is vital to the smooth organisation of a vast programme of racing in our harbour where nearly 12,000 boats are registered. With agreement from the Harbour Master, using an agreed listing of rounding marks and adhering to Chi Fed’s ‘Race Code of Conduct’ the annual programme of racing fixtures of harbour clubs is collectively, enjoying a level of flexibility the envy of clubs elsewhere.
Under the 1971 Chichester Harbour Act, Chi Fed is required to nominate 4 serving members for the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Advisory Committee from whom some may be elected to the Conservancy board itself, so we represent our members by playing a pivotal role in managing our harbour.